The executive strategy of five innovation industry remains slow, and the medical biotechnology industry is also worried about it! The chairman of MEDEON, Dr. Chang said the strengths of Silicon Valley are mindset and innovation, more than the concept of industry cluster, and the government should have new thinking logic to promote Asian Silicon Valley. Besides, the chairman of Microbio Group, William Lu also believed that the energy of biotech industry is still abundant and it should not be impacted by OBI PHARMA, a single event; the capital market not only has to prevent from speculation but also make it prosperous.
William Lu also suggested that the real leader of the innovation industries in Taiwan should be biotech industry, the revitalizing policy will benefit it significantly. According to the current situation, the energy of biotech industry is still abundant, it is the most important issue for the government to try to assist the enterprises to development the market and internationalize, accomplish the last steps to make it profitable.